Private Instruction

Private lessons are intended to meet the individual’s needs based on experience and goals. A conversation will take place before hand, so the individual will know what to expect from their lesson. Private lessons can be scheduled with Patrick or Arielle.

Benefits of Private Lessons

  • An introduction to Aikido to get an overall sense of the principles involved in the art.

  • Extra help in learning how to fall safely and comfortably.

  • Help seasoned students transcend a plateau in their training. Work on posture, breathing, footwork or on particular techniques.

  • If you would like to try Aikido with a friend, partner or child.

  • If you need guidance in learning how to work around a physical limitation or injury.

Private Lessons $80 - 1 hour, 1 student
$20 - for each additional student

Private Lessons Intro Package $399 - 6 lessons, 1 student. Discounts available for additional students. Taught by Chief Instructor, Patrick. Lessons must be scheduled twice per week for learning Aikido. After completing this private lessons package, the student will feel confident in transitioning to the group Aikido classes.

Contact us to schedule a private lesson.